Children of the Shaman rides again! With shiny new cover art...

This is only a short update as I'm feeling yucky due to the second bug of the winter.

However, I've been hinting for some time that we would be re-issuing my first novel, Children of the Shaman, as an eBook.

I have finished scanning and editing the novel and now it goes over to my husband to be turned into a Kindle file.

I haven't got a launch date as such since husband has other things on his mind, such as very high blood sugar, argh.

But it's looking good and in the mean time here is a preview of the fabulous cover art for the Kindle edition from Skylar Faith of Truenotdreams design! (Skylar also designed the new cover for Malarat).

Children of the Shaman was originally published as a paperback by Orbit in the UK and by Penguin Putnam in the USA. The new edition is slightly revised to correct a few solecisms and typos.

Once Children of the Shaman is out we will then produce an eBook version of The Glass Mountain, which was never published in the States.


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