Happy New Year to all our readers!

…as they used to say when there were old-fashioned newspapers. I have noticed that several of my recent blog-posts ended with exclamation marks, something that I hope to remedy in the New Year.
Starting today.
Before I forget (I have the attention span of a goldfish) I wanted to thank Patty Jansen of Must Use Bigger Elephants for letting me participate in her January 1 Mad Science Fiction and Fantasy sale. It was huge fun and I did sell some books.
I am also trying to set up a proper mailing list (link to proper mailing list) though apart from my blog(s) I will need something to put in it, other than “Aargh – still working on Winterbloom…”. A well-known online forum (coff coff) is full of writers who can produce books in 30 days, or in some cases an even shorter period. They advise frequent – and “smart” publishing.
Read the rest over at shamansland here.


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