Now available as a box set...

The original cover art was by Truenotdreams Design and I have re-used it for this volume.
In a moment of rash enthusiasm, I have created a box-set version of the first three books of my Mir: shamanworld series for Kindle. You can pre-order it here.
The set comprises Children of the Shaman (currently free to download), The Glass Mountain, and Malarat. It is available to pre-order from Amazon and will be available for regular purchase on July 17.
As long as Children of the Shaman is free to download (basically until the end of September), the three-book bundle will be for sale at a special price of $6.97 US or £4.98 sterling. This is cheaper than buying the three books individually.
In the mean time, I will be working hard to bring out the fourth book in the series, Winterbloom, which might actually be called Pomegranate Seed.
Here's the blurb for the box-set. I'd call it a trilogy, but Winterbloom will make it a tetralogy.
Follow the adventures of young shaman Annat Vasilyevich and her close-knit but eccentric family as they travel between worlds and fight fearsome enemies.
From quirky humour to deep sorrow, watch her as she grows from an awkward teenager to a young woman, trying to master her magical powers, understand her complex sexual nature and avoid getting killed by fanatical medieval lords, foreign wizards and the Inquisition.
Annat is a Wanderer and a shaman in a world where Wanderers are outcast and shamans are viewed with fear and suspicion. Will she survive to adulthood, or will she be killed and exiled to the underworld where shamans continue to travel after death?
This boxed set includes the first three novels in this fantasy adventure series: Children of the Shaman, The Glass Mountain, and Malarat. Each book is over 100,000 words long.

I also drafted a "trigger warning" because I have been slightly worried about the difference in tone and content between Malarat and the others. I have not included the draft on the book listing because it degenerated into me being silly.
Warning: Children of the Shaman contains some mild but sexual references, quite a bit of bad language and scenes that some readers may find upsetting, including torture.
The Glass Mountain also contains sexual references, some swearing and scenes of torture.
Malarat has some explicit sex scenes, including one in a thunderstorm which is interrupted by a demon, more swearing, some quite graphic violence and more torture. And a talking horse.
I have very mixed feelings about trigger warnings. I'm not sure whether they should appear on a work of fiction, unless that fiction is erotica and the warnings are needed to let people know that "here be dragons". But times have changed, and I also dislike the idea that somebody might start reading the books and get a Nasty Surprise.


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