The Glass Mountain - Launch date

The Glass Mountain

Originally published by Orbit Books in 2002, The Glass Mountain received good reviews. Writing in The Guardian at the time, Jon Courtenay Grimwood said:
Rydill does clever things with fantasy, stripping away some traditional trappings and entering a dark and disturbing world that could be the far future or an alternative to our world, or might just be plain other.

The Glass Mountain was never published in the States. It will therefore be available there for the first time as an eBook from Amazon and of course Barnes and Noble, Kobo, the iBook Store and Google Play. I have revised it to some extent, mainly for continuity reasons.

I have now got a launch date for the book: 11th August. I'll be updating the blog with more info nearer the date.

This new edition is subtitled 'A story of power, magic and revenge.' Here is a teaser:

Grebenshikov sat down with his back to the window, behind a desk that seemed to rise like a slab of monumental stone. On its surface were a blotter, covered with ink blots and scrawls, a spelter inkwell and pen-tray, and a gun. With a murmur of embarrassment, Grebenshikov picked up the pistol before Annat had time to examine it, and slipped it into a leather holster that he wore over his shoulder, so that the weapon tucked under his armpit. A shaman with a gun! Annat knew many fighting shamans, and few of them deigned to arm themselves. It must mean that Grebenshikov had little confidence in his powers.

(Read more about the shaman world in my guest blog for Michael Patrick Hicks here: )


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